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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Article Marketing

There are 100 articles associated with the tag Article Marketing!

Total Bookmarks
Article Title/Link and Description
1. Bookmarks: 5 Copywriting for Your Web Page or Article We focus on the benefits of the product or service you want to promote and can easily adapt it into an informational article that can be used with our article marketing product.
2. Bookmarks: 242 So, You Wrote an Article - But Nobody Read It! The internet is crawling with people who will tell you that articles are a great way to promote your business, content is king and search engine nirvana lies with the click of a button on some article submission software. Note that articles can be posted on a blog too, so whether you call it an article or blog content, it is still content, and this is the most important asset you can have on the Internet today!
3. Bookmarks: 901

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How To Make An Effective Short Video Clip To Market Your Business Online Besides the article marketing, video marketing is another online marketing technique that can drive tons of traffic at low cost. Hence, you should not ignore this effective marketing technique, instead you should learn how to take advantage of this video opportunity for the sake of your own marketing objectives and goals to drive internet traffic to your website.
4. Bookmarks: 15 Use article marketing to drive traffic to your site The web marketing scene has shifted rapidly in recent years with the ongoing development of Web 2.0 applications. However, article marketing remains, without a doubt, one of fastest and effortless ways to drive traffic to your web site.
5. Bookmarks: 10 The Marketing Shack: Express Marketing Ideas The Marketing Shack aims to provide, share and solicit various marketing views to set a medium of exchange between various parties regarding their marketing applications and efforts.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Choosing A Home Business With so many options and the world as your oyster, it can be difficult choosing a home business and deciding which one is right for you. Every day, many people embark on new business ventures in the hopes that they will find success. The key to choosing a home business that works is to choose something that you love.There are a number of ways to get ideas when choosing a home business. Take a moment to sit down and make a list of your favorite things. Perhaps you love to ...
7. Bookmarks: 0 Article Marketing - Not Sexy, But Successful Article marketing can seem a boring, tedious and underwhelming form of promotional marketing. But don't be fooled. It packs a powerful punch in terms of its effectiveness and ROI (Return On Investment).
8. Bookmarks: 0 The Quickest Way To Your Customers Wallet IS Your Article! Do you want to reach more customers? Do you want them to be ready to purchase your product or service before they see you web site? Show them what you know this and get more exposure for your site with your own articles.
9. Bookmarks: 0 Why Haven't You Got An Article Directory? The benefits of running your own article directory and where to get the free resources to do it today.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Article Marketing & Free Publicity For Your Website An increasing number of website and business owners are turning toward a new approach to advertising and, best of all, it’s free. Article marketing, as it is technically known among webmasters, is achieved by translating expertise into a written article and effectively promoting it across the web. This can be achieved by the use of blogs, content directories and direct agreements with webmasters to publish your article in exchange for a link back to your website.Article m...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Article Marketing Interesting article about article marketing, full of tips, and tricks, rich content
12. Bookmarks: 0 Advertising and Promoting Using Articles A very efficient method to advertise your professional services, the products you are selling or simply to show how educated you are in a particular niche is by using the highly beneficial method of article marketing.
13. Bookmarks: 4 Free And Low Cost Ways To Market Your Website So you've got a product or service, but no money to market it with? Well, a lack of capital will make marketing a lot harder be it can certainly be done.If you are trying to market your website for free, don't try every hyped up free advertising method that you see. Most of them don't work. The best free methods are the simple ones that just require some work. :-)1 – Search Engine Optimization - You can optimize your site and start gaining good rankings on the search e...
14. Bookmarks: 4 Article Marketing 101: The Perfect Author Resource Box If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. This is the "author bio" that is below your article body and it's also known as your "SIG" (short for SIGnature).
15. Bookmarks: 0 Starting an eZine Publication & Converting Every Visitor into Subscribers Starting your own eZine can be a lot easier than you think. This is because in the most basic necessity, all you really need to get started publishing your own paperless newsletter are wealth of content, auto responder with broadcast feature, and a website
16. Bookmarks: 0 Article Marketing - The Bad, The unsightly, and The Good When most people think of Article Marketing, what comes to mind is usually how to write the article rather then how to market it. But there is anthor way and I will show you in this article.
17. Bookmarks: 2 Advertising with Paided URL Inclusion Advertising your services or products on the Internet isboth extremely effective and extremely competitive. Thereare several ways to go about attracting traffic to yourwebsite; Pay-Per-Click is one of the options you can choosefrom, along with developing an SEO, or search engineoptimization campaign. Both pay-per-click and SEO aretargeted to get your website placed as close to the top ofsearch engine results as possible.
18. Bookmarks: 0 Using Articles to Build Your List Articles are one of the best means of getting new subscribers and customers and retaining them. This paper discusses how articles can be used for this purpose virtually free of cost.
19. Bookmarks: 0 How to Blog: Is it for Fame or Fortune? Blogging as we all know has become an outlet allowing most people to express, unwind and unleash the things that goes around in a persons mind for everyone to see.
20. Bookmarks: 4 Getting Blog Visitors This article will cover one of the unique methods of getting traffic to a blog that doesn’t work for regular sites. Remember that every blog is a web-site, but not every web-site is a blog. My top methods of getting traffic to a web-site are still my top methods of getting traffic to a blog. Those include: article marketing, link building and content creation/ranking factors.But blogs are a special breed of web-site. There are additional methods of getting new visitors to...
21. Bookmarks: 4 Beginners Guide to Blogging Blogging for business and pleasure.
22. Bookmarks: 0 Writing Articles For Online Business Success Article Marketing is one of the best ways to market your online business, but new internet marketers might use this wonderful tool the wrong way.
23. Bookmarks: 4 Top 10 Viral Marketing Mistakes Viral marketing is a very powerful way to get your message out. There are 10 common mistakes people make that prevent them from having the success they deserve. Are you making these mistakes?
24. Bookmarks: 0 The Skinny On Article Directories Boost your article marketing results by finding and using article directories effectively.
25. Bookmarks: 5 The Golden Formula of Writing Article Easily Article marketing is the number one internet marketing tool; it is recognized as the most effective and cheapest way to drive traffic to a website. Many internet marketers grasped the concept of traffic generation with articles but the problem is article writing is not an easy task for many people. In actual fact, article writing is not that difficult and your can complete an article easily if you know the golden formula of article writing.
26. Bookmarks: 6 Snakes on a Plane: The Ultimate Headline When it comes to article marketing, we’re all searching for that perfect headline. It has to be something catchy. You want it to be unique. You want it to leave people wanting to read your article. After all, what good does your article do if people don’t pass it on with that almighty link attached at the bottom?
27. Bookmarks: 3 Protect The Value of Article Marketing With 3 Important Rules Article Marketing is a powerful business tool. However, there are issues to keep in mind to maintain quality and effectiveness. Read more to discover how you can protect the value of your article marketing.
28. Bookmarks: 0 Perfect marketing by article marketing is easy with these 5 tips Writing an article doesn’t just mean putting down thoughts into words then typing and writing it. You have to capture the interest of your readers and get them to keep on reading. To send your message across you have to get the attention of the reader and have a firm grasp of their interest and pique their curiosity.
29. Bookmarks: 8 Is Article Marketing The Most Beneficial Promotional Strategy? More and more people are beginning to realize the benefits of writing articles. It is most definitely one of the easiest ways to promote your online business fast and for "free". Read on to discover how article marketing works, and how it can benefit your marketing efforts.
30. Bookmarks: 10 Increase Your Website Traffic With Article Marketing Mabye you have heard the buzz... Article Marketing is great for promoting your website and increasing your traffic. Learn why and how you should use articles to market your website.
31. Bookmarks: 0 How To Profit From Private Label Articles Free content is great. I love how easy is to enrich a website in minutes republishing free articles written by real expert authors. Lately I have been thinking about how to develop my strategy, and I ended thinking about outsource my writing content creation.
32. Bookmarks: 0 Get Greater Profits With The Use Of Blogs, RSS And Article Marketing One of the fastest ways to generate traffic to your site is with the use of blogs, RSS and article marketing. In addition, Bogs, RSS and article marketing are almost free to low cost, thus assuring you of greater profits. Blogs are easy to set up quickly and can be on any topic imaginable. It is a good idea to set up a blog to cater to a particular niche market or to have one for your existing site. Combined with the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summ...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Article Marketing and Content Cheapskates I see this everywhere and still cannot believe that people do not get it. Content is still king on the web. The most important thing you will ever do for your website is to put in good content. Great content will get you links and your position in the search engine results will be because of the content you put into your website.
34. Bookmarks: 3 Articles as WMDS: Weapons of Mass Distribution Article marketing is a fairly new, very effective internet marketing tool that allows you to promote yourself, your product, website or service. But, this seemingly simply marketing technique can have explosive results!
35. Bookmarks: 0 Are Articles the Secret to Niche Marketing? Discover what article marketing means to the niche market
36. Bookmarks: 0 Adsense And Article Marketing You’ve heard about the Adsense craze and decided that you are going to get your share of Adsense cash cow. You’ve either built a website or purchased one, and now you’re ready to rock! You submit it to every search engine and directory that you can think of, dreaming of thousands of surfers coming in from every engine on the planet. All begging to click your Adsense links and make you rich.Then you sit back and wait. And wait. And wait some more. Checking your stats daily...
37. Bookmarks: 0 The Basics Of Article Marketing Article marketing is the quickest way to build online credibility and establish yourself as an expert in the online marketing field.
38. Bookmarks: 0 Increasing Traffic With Article Marketing Through Article Directories And Ezines Writing hundreds of articles in your related niche and making them available for distribution through article directories and ezines is one of the best strategies for increasing targeted traffic to your website. Considering getting your articles published online is free, article marketing is also most cost-effective strategy for increasing targeted traffic to your website.
39. Bookmarks: 0 Article Marketing: How To Get Tons Of Highly Targeted Visitors To Your Site For Years To Come I have read a lot of ebooks about internet marketing and I have tried many traffic schemes. I have spent a little fortune to get visitors to my site. I have waisted a lot of time trying to optimise my sites…for search engines, but nothing really got the results I was waiting for. Until I discovered a new method to get highly targeted visitors: Writing articles and submitting to article Directories. It is easy to do - but there are some important things you have to consider:...
40. Bookmarks: 0 Writing the Resource Box So It Gets People to Click Why write the article, if you are NOT going to get the click at the end of the process. Article marketing requires results, and results for article marketing is the click on your link in the resource box.
41. Bookmarks: 1 Writing Articles - Your Secret to Free Traffic Discover the secret to receiving free traffic by writing articles and submitting them to article directories.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Wise Article Marketing Strategies If you are an article writer, you may have been submitting your articles to ezines in order to get your name out there. Have you ever considered selling what you write? Good! Let's look at 7 options you can take in order to write for profit.
43. Bookmarks: 8 Why Was My Article Rejected Article marketing has become a huge trend in Internet marketing today. Many marketers are using articles as their primary, and even sole, form of traffic generation and search engine optimization. However some marketers lament that article marketing doesn't seem to work for them, especially as their article submissions are often rejected.I own and maintain three article directories. One is a general directory and two are niche directories. Every day I receive hundreds of ...
44. Bookmarks: 1 Why Use Article Marketing To Promote Your Business Everyone knows what an article is, but how does an article help you promote your business? Here are seven reasons to write articles and use them to promote your business and get more clients online:
45. Bookmarks: 0 Why Article Marketing is Hot Is article marketing just another ad fad? Why are online as well as offline business owners rushing to participate in this latest form of marketing and what distinguishes it from the other more conventional forms of marketing? Article marketing is undoubtedly red hot right now! I'll tell you why..
46. Bookmarks: 0 Using Article Marketing In Your Direct Sales Business After several months of studying the art of marketing businesses by using informative articles I've been really impressed with the tremendous information that's out there. By writing a content rich, helpful and informative article you can set yourself apart as an expert in your field and generate traffic to you and your business.Most of my study has been in the field of Internet marketing, but as the wheels of my mind have been turning and with the experience I've had wi...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Top Ten Reasons Your Articles Are Declined Article marketing is one of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field and also a great way to get links to your web site. To increase your chances of having your article published, here is my personal list of reasons your articles are not published.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Tips On How To Effectively Use Article Marketing Whether you are marketing a product or a service, you need to get visitors to your website. Then you realize that the likelihood of making a sale is directly related to the number of visitors to your website. What should you do?
49. Bookmarks: 5 Three Things To Do Before You Submit Your Article To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills back.
50. Bookmarks: 0 Three Simple Guidelines When Writing Article Marketing Content Article marketing is widely known as among the most powerful and effective Internet marketing techniques available for all businesses, big or small. There are many reasons why businesses resort to generating and producing article marketing outputs when promoting and advertising their products and services.
51. Bookmarks: 0 The Top 5 Secrets of an Article Marketing Superstar Article marketing is, by far, the best way to get free traffic to your website. But there are tricks to making it work even better. Here are the top 5 secrets to making yourself an Article Marketing Superstar.
52. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret Of Effective Article Marketing and Posting Submitting articles to article directories is a proven to attract more visitors to your site, give you a higher page rankings and, ultimately, make you more money. However, search engines and article directories are getting tougher on the articles you submit. In this article we give you some tips on how to submit articles successfully.
53. Bookmarks: 0 The Power Of Article Marketing Article marketing can increase your business prospects, publicity, and profits. Writing compelling “how to” articles will educate and inform your target market, transforming you into a trusted source of information.It's a powerful way to go from a relative unknown to an expert in your field virtually overnight.How does this help your bottom line?Chasing clients is a tedious and often unrewarding exercise. Instead of chasing them, you can win them over by sharing y...
54. Bookmarks: 0 The Most Important Part Of Article Marketing - Getting Your Articles Read! Using articles as a method of marketing is all well and good, but there really isn't any point if your article does not get the exposure to drive traffic to your site. Read on to discover 5 great tips to get your article read.
55. Bookmarks: 0 The Low Down on Article Marketing Article marketing is an effective way to broaden the online presence of any small business. By distributing articles to multiple article directories on the Internet, your business can reap the benefits ranging from an increase in web traffic, lead generation, new customers and a solid reputation on the Internet. It’s a simple concept that has the potential to take your business to the next level and higher.
56. Bookmarks: 1 The Importance of Article Submission Many website owners find the task of creating a website and then promoting that website a daunting prospect. This is especially true for anyone who is creating their own website for the first time. Although they may have great knowledge about their website niche, this is not enough when it comes to generating traffic to the site to get the information read.
57. Bookmarks: 0 The Importance Of Article Marketing Discover The Importance Of Article Marketing
58. Bookmarks: 5 The Future Of Article Marketing - What 2008 Reserves For Article Marketing Do you want to know what the future holds for article marketing in 2007 and 2008? This insightful piece may get you thinking that now is the time of opportunity for article marketing, and just may be what you need to read to put you on the path to making big money in internet marketing in 2007 and 2008. Read this now for maximum effect!
59. Bookmarks: 0 The Four Elements Of A Nifty Marketing Article You may think that the key to article marketing success is writing a good article. While this is true, there is much more to it than this. You will also need to consider your headline, your article description and your resource box. In many ways, these can be more important than the article itself.
60. Bookmarks: 2 The Best Ways For Writing A Great How-To Articles There is no end to the subjects you can write about and you can use any style you wish. However, it has to be something that people will want to read. "How to" articles are very popular with both website owners and readers and can be a great way to get your article marketing campaign underway. Basically, the purpose of a 'how to' article is to explain to a reader how to do something.
61. Bookmarks: 0 The best article marketing strategies For some time now article marketing strategies has been a great free marketing method, by submitting your articles to article directories you are getting a free link back to your website. Which in turn can help you rank better for your search engines and also the possiblity of the person reading that article will click on your link.
62. Bookmarks: 0 The Benefits Of Article Marketing As A Form Of Website Promotion I have been reading recently about the benefits of article marketing. A recent post to the ezinearticles blog asked if writing articles was worth wasting time over. I have been writing articles for quite a long time and in my opinion it certainly is. I will explain why I think it is in this article.
63. Bookmarks: 0 The 3 Mistakes That People Do In Article Marketing Do you know the 3 most common mistakes in article marketing and what to do to avoid them? You will when you read and use this article.
64. Bookmarks: 14 Ten Benefits For Having Your Articles Published Through E-zines There are really 10 benefits of submitting your articles and to have them being published to e-zines.
65. Bookmarks: 1 Successful Article Marketing Strategies Are you thinking about starting to write articles as a way of promoting your website? Are you looking for some advice about how to write a successful article? Have you a lack of belief in your ability to write an interesting article? Around a year ago I would have answered yes to all of these three questions but have now learnt quite a lot about article marketing. In this article, I give tips and advice to help other people to become successful article marketers.
66. Bookmarks: 0 Submit Article 101: Get Free Publicity With Article Marketing Submit Article 101: Get Free Publicity With Article MarketingIf you are looking to gain exposure and increase traffic for your website, there's a terrific new way to spread the word about your new spot on the world wide web.
67. Bookmarks: 2 Submit Articles Here There and Everywhere - Boom! Top Of The Search Engines. Is it true that submitting your articles to directories and ezine publishers or using a article submission service will get you to the top of the search engines? I say maybe and here's why...
68. Bookmarks: 0 Submitting Articles to Article Directory - Simplest Way to Get Visitors There isn’t a simple way to get visitors than submitting articles to article directory. Submitting an article to article directory is the most simple and effective way to gain quality traffic to your website. Many Search Gurus have considered Article Marketing to be the most effective method of gaining traffic to website.
69. Bookmarks: 0 Smart Marketing - Submit Your Articles To Article Directories There are a lot of benefits of submitting your own articles to article directories but before we go into the benefits, what actually are article directories?Article directories are simply database websites that collect, compile, sort the articles to their own categories and make these articles available to the public. The public can then read these articles for free or reprint them based on certain guidelines.There is countless number of article directories nowadays. ...
70. Bookmarks: 1 Six Reasons Why You Should Jump Into Article Marketing If you are working to become a successful online entrepreneur then you have probably already tried to increase traffic and generate sales through search engine positioning and pay per click advertising. Have you also tried article marketing? Article marketing is the strategy of writing articles related to your business and publishing them on other websites and in the ezines of complementary companies with a link back to your site. This form of online promotion is a very effec...
71. Bookmarks: 0 Should An Article Directory's Page Rank Concern You? Site Popularity doesn't come from having your links just anywhere. You see, there's a method to the madness that brings it all full circle. To achieve a higher Page Rank through external links, you need to put your articles on sites that have an equal or higher Page Rank than yours does. But
72. Bookmarks: 0 Reap Benefits When You Submit Articles For Niche Marketing Niche markets are small specific markets. Individuals or businesses are grouped together for niche marketing if they share similar interests or needs. For instance, females who play golf can be considered a niche market. Reaching as many people in the same niche is necessary to making your small business work. However, if you are an online business start-up, finding your target audience may be challenging in the beginning. One way to quickly finding your target audience i...
73. Bookmarks: 7 Questions And Answers About Article Marketing Article marketing is probably the most effective list building and link building strategy in existence. All seems terrific with article marketing, but as with everything else, there are growing concerns as to its real value. Let's take a look at five of the most common questions which are asked about article marketing...
74. Bookmarks: 0 Quality And Keywords: How To Strike The Perfect Article Balance Writing the perfect article for submission to an article directory for marketing purposes is all about striking the right balance. You need to provide web publishers and readers with well-written, entertaining and informative content. However, you also need to be keyword savvy so that your articles will do well in searches in both the article directories and on the major search engines. But which is more important?
75. Bookmarks: 0 Pointers When Aiming to Earn From Article Marketing Article marketing is one of the most powerful forms of marketing and advertising these days. Through such an initiative, businesses and companies are able to convey messages better to intended customers.
76. Bookmarks: 3 Manual article submission service Article marketing is becoming ever more popular with many webmasters starting to realise the many benefits of writing articles. The problem many of these people have is that they just do not have the time to write and submit these articles. This is where a service which offers manual article submissions can prove invaluable.
77. Bookmarks: 0 Making The Most Of Article Marketing If you’ve been in online business long at all, you have probably heard a great deal about article marketing and how much it can do to build your business. It may sound like hype, but there are definitely benefits to be had from writing articles to drive traffic to your website.There are two basic things you can do with articles. The first is to post them on your website as a way to give the search engines more reason to refer people to your website. The second is to use t...
78. Bookmarks: 0 Make Your Articles Work Harder For You You probably already know how effective article marketing can be to drive traffic to your site and to improve your search engine rankings. You spend some time each month or even each week to write and submit articles. Now you can make them work even harder for you by reusing them. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Start out by combining several related articles into a free report. You can make this report available to your visitors and invite them to pass it on to ...
79. Bookmarks: 0 Let's Talk About Why You Need Article Marketing In Your SEO Strategy Article writing has become a very important missing piece to the overall aspect of your SEO and Internet Marketing strategy
80. Bookmarks: 1 I Do Not Know What To Write! A topic that often arises through discussions on message boards and forums is how authors are able to write tens, hundreds, and even thousands of articles, when others find it difficult to write more than a couple. This article describes several ways authors can find ideas for articles.
81. Bookmarks: 0 Is Article Marketing a Must? Article marketing is an effective way to promote your website and generate quality inbound links, which optimize your website. It takes some time to reach the goal but, it is one of the best ways to success online!
82. Bookmarks: 5 Is Article Marketing An Effective Technique? Getting traffic to a website can be one of the most challenging issues a webmaster may face. Many people believe by putting a website up people will simply just turn up, by the masses. This just simply is not true. It is the equivalent of opening a water shop in the Sahara desert. Although I'm sure people would love the water, if they do not know about it they won't find your shop. Ok this is a slightly silly example as there are not that many people there to be potential cus...
83. Bookmarks: 3 Introductory Article Marketing Article marketing seems to be the buzz word in web site marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) lately. I've had a lot of people ask me-- what exactly is article marketing? Why is it so popular? And how is it done? Well, the whole point of Internet marketing is to get people to notice your site out of the thousands and thousands of sites out there. There is little point in taking the time and going to the expense of having a business website if no one ever sees it....
84. Bookmarks: 0 How to Maximize Your Business Using Traffic Generation Whatever type of business you can think of, you can be sure that you can find them online. Online businesses are the trend nowadays. All sorts of businesses are sprouting. Their number increases day after day. So what are you waiting for? You may find that bringing your business online will bring you more rewards than the traditional offline business venture.
85. Bookmarks: 1 How To Make Money From Your Writing Skills I am one of many people who have realised the many benefits that writing articles can bring. Article marketing is now widely recognised as an excellent way of promoting a website, however there are many more opportunities out there to make money for the budding writer.
86. Bookmarks: 8 How To Get Your Articles Seen By More People Article marketing is a great way to get links back to your site.
87. Bookmarks: 0 How To Generate Traffic Through Article Marketing Writing articles for article marketing is a good way to get traffic to your website. Articles provide information to your audience and allow you to show your expertise. By posting your articles in article directories, you can generate traffic to your site and also help create back links to it. The main keys to article marketing are to write a high quality content article, create a good authors resource box to highlight you and your site and to submit it to several article dir...
88. Bookmarks: 2 How To Choose The Best Directories For Your Article Writing Campaign Finding the best high-quality article directories that meet your specific needs and match your specific goals can greatly increase the power of your article marketing campaign. You need to become a savvy article marketer to maximize your article marketing campaign.
89. Bookmarks: 0 High Impact Traffic By Writing Articles So you have a website but your traffic counters are not exactly burning? Maybe it’s not even turning! You may have tried reciprocal linking to gain search engine rankings. It's boring isn’t it! Reciprocal linking with other on-theme websites will slowly help increase your website's rankings in the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. However, it takes a long time and each time someone links to you, you get one link back to your site. I’d like to introduce you to a mu...
90. Bookmarks: 1 Hey Buddy, Watch Where You're Pointing That Article Article Marketing has really taken off lately. But there's one definite way you could completely "blow" the whole thing for yourself, and unfortunately far too many people are doing it lately.
91. Bookmarks: 11 Get More Traffic, Sales and Subscribers By Submitting Your Articles to Directories If you have a website you're no doubt constantly wondering "How can I get more traffic to my website?". As web owners we constantly want more traffic, especially if we're doing business online. It's just the nature of things because without traffic a website can't survive. Whether we want more subscribers, more customers or just more visitors to read our content -- and possibly click on our AdSense ads ;) -- it's what we crave: More traffic.
92. Bookmarks: 0 Get All That Your Words Are Worth With Article Submissions Article directories have been around for years, offering content and information for webmasters, ezine writers and email newsletters. The benefits of submitting your writing to article directories are easy enough to understand:
93. Bookmarks: 7 Free Viral Traffic From Article Marketing Many newcomers to the internet, and in particular owners of websites, often have the misconception that site traffic comes at a financial cost. Well think again! Why not use article marketing to drive traffic to your website and increase link popularity in the process?
94. Bookmarks: 5 Article Marketing Strategies: Selecting The Best Sites & Ezines For Your Article Marketing Campaign Writing and marketing articles online is probably the most effective, most cost-effective way to publicize your website, and promote your products and services online. Articles found only on the website and not in their print publications means more opportunities for writers and experts.
95. Bookmarks: 5 Effective Article Marketing - Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts If you are a website owner or if you maintain an online blog, you can put it to good use by marketing products and services through articles. This is what a lot of business minded people on the Internet call article marketing - a venture so profitable it is no wonder so many people are getting into it nowadays.
96. Bookmarks: 1 Effective Article Marketing If we are into internet marketing and strive for our site to gain higher ranking on major search engines, then article marketing is the thing for us.
97. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Really Know Why You Are Submitting Your Articles To Online Article Directories? Article submission is perhaps one of the best ways to leverage your products and services on the Internet....that is, if done correctly, but like Link Exchange, I think it's being abused.That said, I don't think Article Marketing is about to die. It's alive and strong!I have noticed that a lot of authors are submitting articles for the wrong reasons. Authors are submitting 'half baked' articles fueled by a 'PageRank' and 'BackLink' craze, something I find very fruitle...
98. Bookmarks: 2 Do You Know The Value Of Article Submission? Article submission is the process in which the webmaster will submit articles to the article directories that will then publish them. This can create for the webmaster an enormous amount of back links to his or her website. That allows for individuals to get the traffic that they need without paying huge advertising dollars or trying to compete too heavily with the thousands of other website owners out there. It an easy, affordable way to generate traffic to your website.
99. Bookmarks: 0 Don’t Ride Your Bike In The Post Office What does the Post Office and article marketing have in common?
100. Bookmarks: 0 Bringing Your Business Online Fast With Article Marketing Planning to start up a business? You have to physically set up your business. Then you have to start advertising for your products or services - but this will only reach the people in the local vicinity, unless word of mouth of your business reaches other places or if you advertise nationwide through television or radio commercials advertising.

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